●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. TRANSITIONAL(ADJECTIVE): (माध्यमिक): intermediate
Synonyms: middle, midway
Antonyms: initial
Example Sentence: A transitional government had been appointed.
2. EXPATRIATE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रवासी): emigrant
Synonyms: non-native, displaced
Antonyms: native
Example Sentence: Expatriate workers were returning to their cities.
3. DIRECTIVE (NOUN): (निदेशात्मक): instruction
Synonyms: direction, command
Antonyms: lawlessness
Example Sentence: A new EC directive has been forwarded for approval.
4. OUTLAW (VERB): (गैरकानूनी घोषित करना): ban
Synonyms: bar prohibit
Antonyms: permit
Example Sentence: Secondary picketing has finally been outlawed.
5. DISASTROUS (ADJECTIVE): (उत्पातक): catastrophic
Synonyms: calamitous, cataclysmic
Antonyms: fortunate
Example Sentence:
A disastrous fire swept through the museum.
6. ISOLATION (NOUN): (एकांत): separation
Synonyms: segregation, quarantine
Antonyms: contact
Example Sentence: Isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety.
7. RIGOROUS (ADJECTIVE): (सख्त): strict
Synonyms: severe, stern
Antonyms: lax
Example Sentence: Rigorous controls on mergers are needed.
8. SPARK (VERB): (बढ़ावा देना): give rise to
Synonyms: cause, set in motion
Antonyms: bring to an end
Example Sentence: The trial sparked a furious row.
9. MANDATORY (ADJECTIVE): (अनिवार्य): obligatory
Synonyms: compulsory, binding
Antonyms: optional
Example Sentence: Wearing helmets was made mandatory for pedal cyclists.
10. STEEP (ADJECTIVE): (बहुत ढालवाँ): precipitous
Synonyms: sheer, abrupt
Antonyms: gentle
Example Sentence: She pushed the bike up the steep hill.