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🔰 Monday, 24 August 2020 🔰

●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.

1.PURGE (NOUN): Elimination:(परिशोध)
Synonyms: expulsion, extermination 
Antonyms: keeping, holding
Example: Radha was feeling shy of telling her about her purge from the contest.

2. QUANTUM (NOUN):Quantity:(मात्रा)
Synonyms: sum, amount 
Antonyms: part, whole
Example: While quantum energy could not be measured fully, the scientist continued to work on the experiment.

3. PRECINCT (NOUN): Department: (प्रसीमा)
Synonyms: area, ward 
Antonyms: whole, full
Example: I am working in this precinct. 

Synonyms: simultaneous, contemporary 
Antonyms: different, separate
Example: The contemporaneous ringing of the multiple phone lines kept the new receptionist very busy.

5.PUNITIVE (ADJECTIVE):Retaliatory:(दंडात्मक)
Synonyms: vindictive, punishing 
Antonyms: beneficial, rewarding
Example: Don’t be punitive otherwise you’ll get into a soup.

6. FEUD (VERB): (झगड़ा):quarrel
Synonyms: fight, bicker
Antonyms: agree, socialize
Example: He feuded unnecessarily with his friends.

7. FANATICAL (ADJECTIVE): (कट्टर): narrow minded
Synonyms: orthodox, biased
Antonyms: liberal, unprejudiced
Example: In old days most of the people had fanatical thinking.

8. SKULLDUGGERY (NOUN): (फरेब): tricky behaviour
Synonyms: chicanery, crafty
Antonyms: probity, modesty
Example: He always knew about his brother’s skullduggery towards others.

9. QUASH (VERB): (समाप्त करना): cancel
Synonyms: revoke, abrogate
Antonyms: permit, authorize
Example: For no reasons her job offer letter was quashed.

10. NOVICE (NOUN): (नवशिक्षित): beginner
Synonyms: tyro, learner
Antonyms: expert, veteran
Example: Abhinav was a complete novice in foreign affairs.


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