●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. SHAMBLE (VERB): (à¤à¤¦्दे तौर पर चलना): shuffle
Synonyms: lumber, totter
Antonyms: run
Example Sentence: He suddenly shambled off down the corridor.
2. AMEND (VERB): (संशोधन करना): revise
Synonyms: alter, change
Antonyms: deteriorate
Example Sentence: The rule was amended to apply only to non-members.
3. FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (संà¤à¤µ): practicable
Synonyms: practical workable
Antonyms: impractical
Example Sentence: It is not feasible to put most finds from excavations on public display.
4. DISMISS (VERB): (ख़ारिज करना): banish
Synonyms: set aside, abandon
Antonyms: entertain
Example Sentence: He suspected a double meaning in her words, but dismissed the thought.
5. NORM (NOUN): (मानक): standard
Synonyms: usual, normal
Antonyms: the exception
Example Sentence:
Women used to stay at home to take care of the children, but that's not norm.
6. JUDICIAL (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायिक): legal
Synonyms: judiciary, juridical
Antonyms: illegal
Example Sentence: A judicial inquiry was required.
7. SUMMON (VERB): (बुला à¤ेजना): send for
Synonyms: call for, ask for
Antonyms: discharge
Example Sentence: A waiter was immidiately summoned.
8. INDUCE (VERB): (मनाना): persuade
Synonyms: convince, prompt
Antonyms: dissuade
Example Sentence: The pickets induced workers to stay away.
9. MANIFOLD (ADJECTIVE): (अनेक): many
Synonyms: numerous, multiple
Antonyms: few
Example Sentence: The implications of this decision were manifold.
10. PERILOUS (ADJECTIVE): (जोखिम का): dangerous
Synonyms: hazardous, risky
Antonyms: safe
Example Sentence: We had to be a part of a perilous journey.