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🔰 Tuesday, 18 August 2020 🔰

●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.

1. TENACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (दृढ़):  firm 
Synonyms: tight, strong 
Antonyms: loose 
Example Sentence: 
He had a tenacious grip on the rope so as to win. 

2. THREATEN (VERB): (धमकाना):  menace 
Synonyms: intimidate, browbeat 
Antonyms: assist 
Example Sentence: 
To threaten someone is something that should be avoided. 

3. OFFENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अपमानजनक):  insulting 
Synonyms: rude, derogatory 
Antonyms: complimentary 
Example Sentence: 
The allegations made are deeply offensive to us. 

4. CUMULATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (संचयी):  increasing 
Synonyms: accumulative, growing 
Antonyms: subtractive 
Example Sentence: 
The cumulative effect of two years of drought. 

5. PRESUMPTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रकल्पित):  conjectural 
Synonyms: speculative, tentative 
Antonyms: definitive 
Example Sentence: 
His was a presumptive diagnosis. 

6. PRESUMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अभिमानी): brazen 
Synonyms: overconfident, arrogant 
Antonyms: timid 
Example Sentence: 
If I offer some advice, I hope I won't be considered presumptuous. 

7. VETERAN (NOUN): (अनुभवी):  old-hand 
Synonyms: old-timer, old stager 
Antonyms: novice 
Example Sentence: 
He is a veteran sitar player. 

8. STOKE (VERB): (ईधन झोंकना):  fuel 
Synonyms: mend, add fuel to 
Antonyms: dimnish 
Example Sentence: 
He stoked up the barbecue. 

9. INTROSPECTION (NOUN): (आत्मनिरीक्षण):  brooding 
Synonyms: self-analysis, soul-searching 
Antonyms: extrospection 
Example Sentence: 
Quiet introspection can be very valuable. 

10. ERECT (VERB): (निर्माण करना):  build 
Synonyms: construct, put up 
Antonyms: demolish 
Example Sentence: 
The guest house was erected in the eighteenth century.


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