🔰 Thursday, 14 May 2020 🔰
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
: (माध्यमिक): intermediate
Synonyms: middle, midway
Antonyms: initial
Example Sentence:
A transitional government had been appointed.
2. EXPATRIATE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रवासी): emigrant
Synonyms: non-native, displaced
Antonyms: native
Example Sentence:
Expatriate workers were returning to their cities.
3. DIRECTIVE (NOUN): (निदेशात्मक): instruction
Synonyms: direction, command
Antonyms: lawlessness
Example Sentence:
A new EC directive has been forwarded for approval.
4. OUTLAW (VERB): (गैरकानूनी घोषित करना): ban
Synonyms: bar prohibit
Antonyms: permit
Example Sentence:
Secondary picketing has finally been outlawed.
5. DISASTROUS (ADJECTIVE): (उत्पातक): catastrophic
Synonyms: calamitous, cataclysmic
Antonyms: fortunate
Example Sentence:
A disastrous fire swept through the museum.
6. ISOLATION (NOUN): (एकांत):
Synonyms: segregation, quarantine
Antonyms: contact
Example Sentence:
Isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety.
7. RIGOROUS (ADJECTIVE): (सख्त): strict
Synonyms: severe, stern
Antonyms: lax
Example Sentence:
Rigorous controls on mergers are needed.
8. SPARK (VERB): (बढ़ावा देना):
give rise to
Synonyms: cause, set in motion
Antonyms: bring to an end
Example Sentence:
The trial sparked a furious row.
9. MANDATORY (ADJECTIVE): (अनिवार्य): obligatory
Synonyms: compulsory, binding
Antonyms: optional
Example Sentence:
Wearing helmets was made mandatory for pedal cyclists.
10. STEEP (ADJECTIVE): (बहुत ढालवाँ): precipitous
Synonyms: sheer, abrupt
Antonyms: gentle
Example Sentence:
She pushed the bike up the steep hill.
🔰 Friday, 15 May 2020 🔰
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. ABRUPT (ADJECTIVE): (आकस्मिक):
Synonyms: immediate, instantaneous
Antonyms: gradual
Example Sentence:
I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject.
2. PENURY (NOUN): (दरिद्रता):
extreme poverty
Synonyms: impoverishment, indigence
Antonyms: wealth
Example Sentence:
He soon rose from penury to ease, and married a painter's beautiful daughter.
3. PALLIATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (पीड़ा हटानेवाला): soothing
Synonyms: alleviating sedative
Antonyms: intensifying
Example Sentence:
Travel is like a palliative against depression for him.
4.CONVALESCENT(ADJECTIVE): (अच्छा हो जानेवाला): recuperating
Synonyms: recovering improving
Antonyms: faltering
Example Sentence:
He has always been a convalescent child.
5. RESUMPTION (NOUN): (पुनरारंभ):
Synonyms: recommencement, reopening
Antonyms: suspension
Example Sentence:
With peace came the resumption of foreign imports.
6. EXTREMIST (NOUN): (अतिवादी):
Synonyms: radical, zealot
Antonyms: moderate
Example Sentence:
Right-wing extremists created trouble.
7. SCEPTICISM (NOUN): (संदेहवाद):
Synonyms: disbelief, distrust
Antonyms: conviction
Example Sentence:
There was some scepticism in the claims.
8. CONSENSUS (NOUN): (सहमति):
Synonyms: harmony, concord
Antonyms: disagreement
Example Sentence:
There is a growing consensus that the current regime has failed.
Synonyms: bias, bigotry
Antonyms: impartiality
Example Sentence:
They are victims of racial discrimination.
10. CURB (VERB): (नियंत्रण करना):
Synonyms: hold back, keep back
Antonyms: release
Example Sentence:
She promised she would curb her temper.
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 16-05-2020
1. SHAMBLE (VERB): (भद्दे तौर पर चलना): shuffle
Synonyms: lumber, totter
Antonyms: run
Example Sentence:
He suddenly shambled off down the corridor.
2. AMEND (VERB): (संशोधन करना): revise
Synonyms: alter, change
Antonyms: deteriorate
Example Sentence:
The rule was amended to apply only to non-members.
3. FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (संभव): practicable
Synonyms: practical workable
Antonyms: impractical
Example Sentence:
It is not feasible to put most finds from excavations on public display.
4. DISMISS (VERB): (ख़ारिज करना): banish
Synonyms: set aside, abandon
Antonyms: entertain
Example Sentence:
He suspected a double meaning in her words, but dismissed the thought.
5. NORM (NOUN): (मानक): standard
Synonyms: usual, normal
Antonyms: the exception
Example Sentence:
Women used to stay at home to take care of the children, but that's not norm.
6. JUDICIAL (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायिक): legal
Synonyms: judiciary, juridical
Antonyms: illegal
Example Sentence:
A judicial inquiry was required.
7. SUMMON (VERB): (बुला भेजना): send for
Synonyms: call for, ask for
Antonyms: discharge
Example Sentence:
A waiter was immediately summoned
8. INDUCE (VERB): (मनाना): persuade
Synonyms: convince, prompt
Antonyms: dissuade
Example Sentence:
The pickets induced workers to stay away.
9. MANIFOLD (ADJECTIVE): (अनेक): many
Synonyms: numerous, multiple
Antonyms: few
Example Sentence:
The implications of this decision were manifold.
10. PERILOUS (ADJECTIVE): (जोखिम का):dangerous
Synonyms: hazardous, risky
Antonyms: safe
Example Sentence:
We had to be a part of a perilous journey.
🔰 Sunday, 17 May 2020 🔰
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. INDELICATE (ADJECTIVE): (असभ्य): insensitive
Synonyms: tactless, undiplomatic
Antonyms: tactful
Example Sentence:
Forgive me asking an indelicate question, but how are you off for money?
2. ABDICATE (VERB): (पद को त्यागना): disown
Synonyms: turn down, spurn
Antonyms: accept
Example Sentence:
The government was accused of abdicating its responsibility.
3. ABROGATE (VERB): (अभिनिषेध करना): repudiate
Synonyms: revoke, repeal
Antonyms: institute
Example Sentence:
Engagements were binding, which ended up abrogating a particular engagement
4. STARK (ADJECTIVE): (दिखने या रूपरेखा में गंभीर): severe in appearance
Synonyms: sharp, crisp
Antonyms: fuzzy
Example Sentence:
The ridge formed a stark silhouette against the sky.
5. EXECUTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (शासनात्मक): administrative
Synonyms: decision-making, directorial
Antonyms: subordinate
Example Sentence:
An executive chairman was appointed.
6. RESTORE (VERB): (सुधारना):
Synonyms: fix, mend
Antonyms: neglect
Example Sentence:
The building has been lovingly restored.
7. STREW (VERB): (बिखेरना):
Synonyms: spread, disperse
Antonyms: gather
Example Sentence:
The newspapers were strewn all over the floor.
8. ETHICS (NOUN): (नीति शास्त्र):
Synonyms: morality, moral code
Antonyms: corruption
Example Sentence:
Ethics enter into every sphere of life.
9.PRESUMPTUOUS(ADJECTIVE): (अभिमान): brazen
Synonyms: overconfident, arrogant
Antonyms: timid
Example Sentence:
The man seemed too presumptuous to be a humble leader for the nation.
10.PRESUMPTIVE(ADJECTIVE): (प्रकल्पित): conjectural
Synonyms: speculative, tentative
Antonyms: definitive
Example Sentence:
The muzzle probably formed a snout in life; and there is presumptive evidence.
🔰 Monday, 18 May 2020 🔰
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. AFLOAT (ADJECTIVE): (तैरता हुआ):
Synonyms: floating, buoyed up
Antonyms: sunk
Example Sentence:
Several of the lifeboats were still afloat a month after being cast adrift.
2. ALLEGE (VERB): (आरोपित करना):
Synonyms: assert, declare
Antonyms: deny
Example Sentence:
He alleged that he had been assaulted by her.
3. REVEL (VERB): (आनंद लेना):
Synonyms: make merry, party
Antonyms: mourn
Example Sentence:
They spent the evening revelling with their guests.
4. SUSPENSION (NOUN): (निलंबन):
Synonyms: interruption, postponement
Antonyms: continuation
Example Sentence:
The suspension of military action needs to be done as soon as possible.
5. INDUCE (VERB): (कारण होना):
Synonyms: produce, effect
Antonyms: prevent
Example Sentence:
None of these measures induced a change of policy.
6. STIMULUS (NOUN): (प्रोत्साहन):
Synonyms: stimulant, encouragement
Antonyms: deterrent
Example Sentence:
If the tax were abolished, it would act as a stimulus to exports.
7. MIGRANT (ADJECTIVE): (प्रवासी):
Synonyms: wandering, moving
Antonyms: indigenous
Example Sentence:
Migrant birds seldom gather here.
8. TRAVAIL (NOUN): (श्रमसाध्य प्रयास):
Synonyms: trial, tribulation
Antonyms: comfort
Example Sentence:
Advice is for those who wish to save great sorrow and travail.
9. RELIANCE (NOUN): (भरोसा):
Synonyms: dependency
Antonyms: unbelief
Example Sentence:
The farmer's reliance is on pesticides.
10. SNOWBALL (VERB): (बढ़ाना):
Synonyms: escalate, intensify
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:
The campaign was finally snowballing.
🔰 Tuesday, 19 May 2020 🔰
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
Synonyms: overcrowded, full
Antonyms: clear
Example Sentence:
The congested streets and lanes led to me being late for the concert.
2. COLLISION (NOUN): (टकराव):
Synonyms: clash opposition
Antonyms: coalescence
Example Sentence:
A collision of two diverse cultures and languages took place when they met.
3. MANDATE (NOUN): (आदेश): instruction
Synonyms: directive, direction
Antonyms: suggestion
Example Sentence:
A mandate was needed to seek the release of political prisoners.
4. DEFY (VERB): (अवहेलना करना):
Synonyms: go against, flout
Antonyms: obey
Example Sentence:
A person who defies convention is always ignored.
5. SOLACE (NOUN): (सांत्वना):
Synonyms: consolation, cheer
Antonyms: ache
Example Sentence:
She sought solace in her passion for art and drama.
6. SURPASS (VERB): (श्रेष्ठ होना):
Synonyms: exceed, outdo
Antonyms: fail
Example Sentence:
The levels of production were surpassed.
7. BAR (VERB): (ताला लगाना): bolt
Synonyms: lock, fasten
Antonyms: unbar
Example Sentence:
She bolted and barred the door.
Synonyms: hopeless, anguished
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:
A desperate sadness surrounded her.
9. STAGNANT (ADJECTIVE): (निष्क्रिय): inactive
Synonyms: sluggish, slow
Antonyms: active
Example Sentence:
The Indian economy has become stagnant.
10. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना):
Synonyms: decrease, reduce
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:
Traffic has dwindled to a trickle
🔰 Wednesday, 20 May 2020 🔰
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams
1. MERE (ADJECTIVE): (एकमात्र):
Synonyms: meagre, bare
Antonyms: important
Example Sentence:
Many questions cannot be answered by mere mortals.
2. SPAWN (VERB): (उत्पन्न करना):
give rise to
Synonyms: occasion, generate
Antonyms: destroy, kill
Example Sentence:
The decade spawned a bewildering variety of books on the forces.
3. FOSTER (VERB): (प्रोत्साहन देना):
Synonyms: promote, further
Antonyms: neglect
Example Sentence:
The teacher's task is to foster learning not fear.
4. EXEMPTION (NOUN): (छूट):
Synonyms: exception, dispensation
Antonyms: liability
Example Sentence:
Vehicles that qualify for exemption from tax would be sold out sooner.
5. DISCRETIONARY (ADJECTIVE): (ऐच्छिक): optional
Synonyms: non-compulsory, voluntary
Antonyms: compulsory
Example Sentence:
There has been an increase in year-end discretionary bonuses.
6. CONTEMPT (NOUN): (अपमान):
Synonyms: disdain, disrespect
Antonyms: respect
Example Sentence:
He was meant to be punished for his contempt.
7. COMBAT (NOUN): (युद्ध):
Synonyms: fighting action
Antonyms: harmony
Example Sentence:
They lost badly in a combat.
8. PREJUDICED (ADJECTIVE): (पक्षपातपूर्ण): biased
Synonyms: bigoted, discriminatory
Antonyms: unbiased
Example Sentence:
People are prejudiced against us.
9. ZEALOUS (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साही): fervent
Synonyms: ardent, fervid
Antonyms: apathetic
Example Sentence:
I was extremely zealous to finally see him.
10. EXPEDITE (VERB): (जल्दी करना): speed up
Synonyms: accelerate, hurry
Antonyms: delay
Example Sentence:
He promised to expedite economic reforms.
🔰 Thursday, 21 May 2020 🔰
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1.HOPELESS(ADJECTIVE):(निराशाजनक): despairing
Synonyms: desperate, dejected
Antonyms: optimistic
Example Sentence:
Rajesh looked at him in mute hopeless appeal.
2. INDULGE (NOUN): (लिप्त होना): give oneself up to
Synonyms: give way to
Antonyms: stifle
Example Sentence:
At a time the crown prince was able to indulge to the full his personal tastes.
3. ENTERTAIN (VERB): (ध्यान रखना): consider
Synonyms: take into consideration
Antonyms: reject
Example Sentence:
Washington entertained little hope of an early improvement in relations.
4. CONUNDRUM (NOUN): (मुसीबत): problem
Synonyms: difficulty, quandary
Antonyms: answer
Example Sentence:
It was one of the most difficult conundrums for the experts.
5. INADEQUATE (ADJECTIVE): (अपर्याप्त): insufficient
Synonyms: deficient, scant
Antonyms: adequate
Example Sentence:
These labels prove to be wholly inadequate.
6. HERD (VERB): (देखभाल करना): look after
Synonyms: take care of, keep
Antonyms: neglect
Example Sentence:
They live by herding reindeer.
7. PROGRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रगतिशील): modern
Synonyms: liberal, advanved
Antonyms: conservative
Example Sentence:
He owns the most progressive art school.
8. HAVOC (NOUN): (अव्यवस्था):
Synonyms: chaos, disruption
Antonyms: peace
Example Sentence:
If they weren't at school they'd be wreaking havoc in the streets.
9. PEAK (ADJECTIVE):(अधिकतम):
Synonyms: maximal, top
Antonyms: minimum
Example Sentence:
The canal was restored to peak condition.
10. FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): defy
Synonyms: go against, scorn
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:
The advertising code is being flouted.
🔰 Friday, 22 May 2020 🔰
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. DYNAMIC (ADJECTIVE):(ऊर्जस्वी): energetic
Synonyms: spirited, activee
Antonyms: half-hearted
Example Sentence:
He is only a dynamic young advertising executive.
2. INTERFERE (VERB): (दखल देना): impede
Synonyms: obstruct, stand in the way of
Antonyms: allow
Example Sentence:
A holiday job would interfere with his studies.
3. DECLINE (VERB): (पतन होना):
Synonyms: decrease, lessen
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:
A serious decline in bird numbers is a worrisome situation.
4. POSE (NOUN): (दिखावा करना):
Synonyms: act, affectation
Antonyms: reality
Example Sentence:
The man decided to drop his pose of unnecessary friendliness.
5. AMIABILITY (NOUN):(सुशीलता): friendliness
Synonyms: affability, warmth
Antonyms: unfriendliness
Example Sentence:
His good-natured amiability captures everyone’s attention.
6. OWE (VERB): (कर्ज़दार होना): be in debt
Synonyms: be indebted, be in arrears
Antonyms: settle up
Example Sentence:
They have denied they owe money to the company.
7. DISCHARGE (VERB): (मुक्त करना): pour
Synonyms: release, eject
Antonyms: absorb
Example Sentence:
Industrial plants discharge highly toxic materials into rivers.
8. STANDSTILL (NOUN):(ठहराव):
Synonyms: stop, stand
Antonyms: motion
Example Sentence:
The traffic came to a standstill.
9. FLAWED (ADJECTIVE):(त्रुटिपूर्ण): unsound
Synonyms: defective, faulty
Antonyms: sound
Example Sentence:
It was a fatally flawed strategy.
10. TERROR (NOUN):(भय): dread
Synonyms: horror fright
Antonyms: calmness
Example Sentence:
People fled in terror.
🔰 Saturday, 23 May 2020 🔰
●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1.EFFICCY (NOUN):(प्रभावकारिता): effectiveness
Synonyms: success, potency
Antonyms: inefficacy
Example Sentence:
There is little information on the efficacy of this treatment.
2. EVADE (VERB): (बचना): elude
Synonyms: avoid, dodge
Antonyms: confront
Example Sentence:
His friends helped him to evade capture for a time.
3. RESUMPTION (NOUN):(पुनरारंभ): restart
Synonyms: restarting, reopening
Antonyms: suspension
Example Sentence:
The rain has stopped, but we're still waiting for the resumption of the game.
4.RETROSPECTIVE(ADJECTIVE): (पूर्वप्रभावी): backdated
Synonyms: retroactive, ex post facto
Antonyms: prospective
Example Sentence:
Our survey was meant to be retrospective in all aspects.
5. GRASP (VERB): (लाभ उठाना):
take advantage of
Synonyms: act on, seize
Antonyms: miss
Example Sentence:
Many companies grasped the opportunity to expand.
6. WRECK (VERB): (खराब करना):
Synonyms: spoil, disrupt
Antonyms: facilitate
Example Sentence:
An eye injury wrecked his chances of a professional career.
7. NETTLE (VERB): (खिजाना): irritate
Synonyms: annoy, irk
Antonyms: comfort
Example Sentence:
Jessica nettled and said, “I am leaving”.
8. HAVOC (NOUN):(विनाश):
Synonyms: destruction, damage
Antonyms: development
Example Sentence:
The hurricane caused havoc in Bengal.
9. BOOST (VERB): (बढावा देना):
Synonyms: raise, uplift
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:
A lot of measures were taken to boost tourism.
10. WOE (NOUN): (दुःख): misery
Synonyms: sorrow, distress
Antonyms: happiness
Example Sentence:
The tale full of woe continued.