1. ostracize –(verb) ,समाज से बाहर निकालना ,expel ,blackball ,shutout
2. Laxity –(noun) ढिलाई, slackness, indolence, leniency
3. Fratricide – noun) the accidental killing of one's own forces in war. (one word substitution)
4. Asphyxiation –(noun)death due to deprivation of oxygen ,suffocation
5. Paramount –(adj) सुप्रीम , topmost, supreme
1. Dilapidating –(verb) बरबाद करना ,tumbledown ,decrepit
2. Feudal – (adj) old fashioned , outmoded ,musty
3. Fortresses – (noun) किला , sconce, citadel
4. Credible – (adj) विश्वसनीय authentic, bona-fide, reliable
5. Mounds – (noun) ढेर , pile, heap, agglomeration
6. Promulgate –(verb) घोषणा करना , declare, announce, proclaim
7. Trepidation** – (noun) घबराहट obfuscation, malaise
8. Scaremonger –(noun) spreading rumors ,alarmist ,pessimist
9. Jostled – (verb) धक्रका देना knuckle under, knock, revolt
10. Xenophobic – (adj) having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries(one word substitution)
11. Iron out the wrinkles- resolve all minor difficulties and snags (Idioms).
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