1. Dreaded – (adj) खतरनाक, terrifying, frightful, horrible
2. Reconciliation – (noun) the restoration of friendly relations, reuniting, reunion
3. Cauldron – (noun) a situation characterized by instability and strong emotions.
4. Cauldron2 – (noun) देग़ची a large metal pot with a lid and handle, used for cooking over an open fire.
5. Discord – (noun) मतà¤ेद Difference, schism
6. Invincible – (adj) अपराजेय too powerful to be defeated or overcome, unbeaten, unconquerable
7. Gobble – (verb) eat (something) hurriedly and noisily
8. Exacerbation – (noun) तेज़ हो जाना incisiveness, swiftness
9. Pusillanimous1 – (adj) तुच्छ gimcracky, slight, scrubbed
10. Pusillanimous2 – (adj) कायर dastardly, recreant, hen-hearted
11. Abated – (verb) रोक-थाम करना set back, clog, baulk
12. Tame **– (verb) make less powerful and easier to control, curb, control, bridle
13. Swathes – (verb) wrap in several layers of fabric, cover, bind
14. Inimical – (adj) विरोधी opponent, opposed, antagonistic, opposite
15. Nimble – (adj) smart, clever, astute
16. Concomitant – (adj) सहगामी, attendant, associated
17. Aphrodisiac – (noun) a food, drink, or other thing that stimulates sexual desire, philter