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🔰 Sunday, 12 April 2020 🔰

●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.

1. WITHHOLD (VERB): (रोक):retain
Synonyms: keep back
Antonyms: grant
Example Sentence:
The name of the dead man is being withheld.

2. EXEMPTION (NOUN): (छूट):
Synonyms: exception, dispensation
Antonyms: liability
Example Sentence:
Vehicles that may qualify for exemption from tax.

3. REGULATION (NOUN): (नियंत्रण):
Synonyms: moderation, supervision
Antonyms: deregulation, mismanagement
Example Sentence:
We need proper regulations in place to get the best out of the team.

4. RESHUFFLE (VERB): (अदला-बदली):
Synonyms: reorient, rejuvenate
Antonyms: damage, raze
Example Sentence:
We are going to reshuffle the top management of the company

5. ESCALATE (VERB): (तीव्र करना):
Synonyms: magnify, broaden
Antonyms: shrink, weaken
Example Sentence:
She mixed some wrong chemical which initially escalated the reaction.

6. PROLONG (VERB): (बढ़ाना):
Synonyms: extend, draw out
Antonyms: shorten
Example Sentence:
An idea which prolonged the life of the engine by many years.

7. SQUANDER (VERB): (गंवाना):
Synonyms: misspend, misuse
Antonyms: manage, save
Example Sentence:
£100m of taxpayers' money has been squandered on administering the tax.

8. SPENDTHRIFT (ADJECTIVE): (अपव्ययी): profligate
Synonyms: prodigal, waster
Antonyms: miser, skinflint
Example Sentence:
Shubham was a spendthrift and a heavy gambler.

9. ABOLISH (VERB): (समाप्त करना):
Synonyms: nullify, do away with
Antonyms: sanction, validate
Example Sentence:
The politician filibustered to abolish the unjust law.

10. ABATE (VERB): (कम करना):
Synonyms: decrease, moderate
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:
I shall not moderate my criticism.

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