●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. MAWKISH (ADJECTIVE): (कुत्सित): sentimental
Synonyms: over-sentimental, over-emotional
Antonyms: cool
Example Sentence:
He paid a mawkish ode to parenthood.
2. REINSTATE (VERB): (बहाल करना): restore
Synonyms: put back, replace
Antonyms: abolish
Example Sentence:
The union threatened strike action if Owen was not reinstated.
3. IMPUDENCE (NOUN): (बदतमीजी): impertinence
Synonyms: insolence, effrontery
Antonyms: pertinence
Example Sentence:
His arrogance and impudence had offended many.
4. UPBEAT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साहित): optimistic
Synonyms: cheerful, cheery
Antonyms: pessimistic
Example Sentence:
He was upbeat about the company's future.
5. VIBRANT (ADJECTIVE): (जीवंत): spirited
Synonyms: lively, high-spirited
Antonyms: spiritless
Example Sentence:
I reside in a vibrant cosmopolitan city.
6. SCINTILLATING(ADJECTIVE): (चकाचौंध में डालने वाला): brilliant
Synonyms: dazzling, exciting
Antonyms: boring
Example Sentence:
The audience loved his scintillating wit.
7. INNATE (ADJECTIVE): (जन्मजात): inborn
Synonyms: natural, inbred
Antonyms: acquired
Example Sentence:
She has innate skills for the organization.
8. EXAGGERATE (VERB): (अतिरंजना करना): overstate
Synonyms: overemphasize, overstress
Antonyms: play down
Example Sentence:
He was apt to exaggerate any aches and pains.
9. WIT (NOUN): (वाक्-पटुता): intelligence
Synonyms: shrewdness, cleverness
Antonyms: stupidity
Example Sentence:
She does not lack perception or native wit.
10. ENIGMATIC (ADJECTIVE): (रहस्यपूर्ण): enigmatic
Synonyms: mysterious, confusing
Antonyms: straightforward
Example Sentence:
He found his boss's utterances too cryptic