●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. EXPLOSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उग्र): fiery
Synonyms: stormy, violent
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:
My friend is infamous for his explosive temper.
2. ELIGIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (योग्य): entitled
Synonyms: permitted, allowed
Antonyms: ineligible
Example Sentence:
Customers who are eligible for discounts would be given the same.
3. DISPOSAL (NOUN): (निपटान):
Synonyms: allotment, allocation
Antonyms: keeping
Example Sentence:
The disposal of his shares in the company was meant to be done soon.
4. RESURGENCE (NOUN): (पुनरुत्थान): renewal
Synonyms: revival, recovery
Antonyms: failure
Example Sentence:
A resurgence of interest in religion led him to ultimate peace.
5. OPTIMISTIC (ADJECTIVE): (आशावादी): cheerful
Synonyms: cheery, positive
Antonyms: pessimistic
Example Sentence:
The optimistic mood leads one to a definite direction.
6. MERCY (NOUN): (करुणा): leniency
Synonyms: lenience, clemency
Antonyms: ruthlessness
Example Sentence:
The boy was begging for mercy.
7. INFAMOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कुख्यात): notorious
Synonyms: disreputable, ill-famed
Antonyms: reputable
Example Sentence:
An infamous criminal was finally caught.
8. ADVENTUROUS(ADJECTIVE): (जोखिम से à¤à¤°ा): daring
Synonyms: daredevil, intrepid
Antonyms: cautious
Example Sentence:
I am an adventurous traveller.
9. INDUCE (VERB):(à¤à¤¡़काना):persuade
Synonyms: convince, get
Antonyms: dissuade
Example Sentence:
The pickets induced many workers to stay away
10. AVERT (VERB):(टालना): prevent
Synonyms: stop, avoid
Antonyms: aid
Example Sentence:
Talks failed to avert a rail strike.