●The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.
1. MONUMENTAL (ADJECTIVE): (स्मरणार्थ): huge
Synonyms: great, enormous
Antonyms: small
Example Sentence:
Monumental efforts have been made to control the spread of virus.
2. DEVASTATE (VERB): (तबाह करना): shatter
Synonyms: shock, stun
Antonyms: enrich
Example Sentence:
She was entirely devastated due to the loss of her soon.
3. CONSTRAINT (NOUN): (बाध्यता): inhibition
Synonyms: uneasiness, embarrassment
Antonyms: openness
Example Sentence:
They would be able to talk without constraint.
4.CHAOTIC (ADJECTIVE): (अस्तव्यस्त): disorderly
Synonyms: disordered, disorganized
Antonyms: orderly
Example Sentence:
The circumstances in the economy are chaotic.
5. DELIBERATION (NOUN): (सावधानी): care
Synonyms: caution, slowness
Antonyms: haste
Example Sentence:
He replaced the glass on the table with deliberation.
6. DISTRACTION (NOUN): (व्याकुलता): frenzy
Synonyms: hysteria, madness
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:
It is her uncharacteristic air of distraction which attracts people.
7. AWFUL (ADJECTIVE): (भद्दा):
Synonyms: nasty, terrible
Antonyms: lovely
Example Sentence:
Many people look awful when they cry.
8. SEVERE (ADJECTIVE): (गंभीर): acute
Synonyms: serious, grave
Antonyms: minor
Example Sentence:
We have a severe shortage of technicians.
9. RELATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उचित): moderate
Synonyms: reasonable, considerable
Antonyms: great
Example Sentence:
She went down the steps into the relative darkness of the dining room.
10. BELIE (VERB): (झुठलाना):
Synonyms: give the lie to, disprove
Antonyms: tesify to
Example Sentence:
His lively, alert manner belied his years.